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Coerver Southeast Training Programs

Coerver Intro Coaching Course
Youth Diploma 1 Course
Youth Diploma 2 Course

-More information on Coaching Education can be found by Clicking HERE

Club Clinics
-More information on Coaching Clinics for Clubs can be found by Clicking HERE

Club Training

Coerver Coaching is available at the local club level around the Southeast. We customize programs that bring Professional Coerver Coaches to different club locations for the Fall or Spring playing seasons. We are available to work with just 1-agegroup or developing a player development plan for your whole organization.  
For more information on Club Training can be found by Clicking 

High School Training

Coerver Coaching is available at the local high school level around the Southeast. We customize programs that bring Professional Coerver Coaches to different high school locations for pre-season prep or in-season training. Our Staff do not coach club teams so there is never a conflict with the different state high school athletics rules. 
More information on High School Training can be found by Clicking HERE

Academy Training

Coerver Coaching is available at the local club level around the Southeast. We customize programs that bring Professional Coerver Coaches to different club locations for the Fall or Spring playing seasons. We are available to work with just 1-agegroup or developing a player development plan for your whole organization.  
For more information on Academy Training can be found by Clicking HERE

Coerver Coaching is more than skill development. We are the Player Development Specialists known around the world for making good teams through superior players. 

For Clubs and Players Who Want to Be More!

Coerver Coaching is booking (*based on calendar availability) FREE Player Clinics in Florida!

The Best way to understand what Coerver Training can do for you - is to "Experience" a sample session at your fields. Yes, that is correct "FREE" at your fields. You pick the players - You pick the age groups - we run them through an international training session. We bring Professionally Licensed and Insured coaches to your fields with all necessary training equipment. You participants and facilities are covered under our liability coverage for a professional experience

For over 38 years Coerver Coaching has been the core curriculum for some of the world's most prestigious youth academies. We bring this experience to you locally.

Who Can Attend?
The host organization (club) will organize the players/teams for the clinic. The clinic will last 1.25 hrs in length and require (0) field equipment. Coerver Southeast will bring ALL necessary training equipment to include water & Gatorade! Recreational Level / Academy Level / Competitive Level / Pro we are experienced with them ALL

How much Field Space is Necessary?
1/2 field

Why are you doing this?

To expose clubs and players to the evolution of Coerver Coaching. Our unique experience with clubs like (Manchester United, Juventus, Real Madrid, etc) and National Federations (Australia, France, Japan,etc) is because of one thing - RESULTS!

How do we Proceed?
Simple, just FILL Out this Inquiry Form. Or,
Call (866-819-5252 ext.1)


Coerver Coaching Southeast (EIN: 27-2159722)

13237 Granger Ave 
Orlando, Florida 32827

Phone: 866-819-5252
Email: [email protected]

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